Uniquely Felt by Christine White
Uniquely Felt: Dozens of Techniques from Fulling and Shaping to Nuno and Cobweb by Christine White
Feltmaking is the magical transformation of a loose pile of wool fibers into a durable, alluring nonwoven fabric. An ancient process that continues to work its wonder on modern artisans and crafters, feltmaking produces a flannel-like fabric with a tactile appeal like nothing else. How is this fabric alchemy accomplished? The feltmaker adds a little soap and water to the wool, presses the fibers until they tangle together and hold the shape of cloth, and then vigorously works, or fulls, the cloth until it shrinks and strengthens to the desired shape. In Uniquely Felt, Christine White, a professional teacher and feltmaker, gathers her considerable knowledge of the craft to write the comprehensive guide to all things felt. She describes the equipment, explores concepts and theories of felting, and thoroughly covers all felting techniques, including traditional, needle, three-dimensional seamless, nuno, cobweb, carved, and Beede ball. And then there are the projects handsome, indestructible bags; nuno shawls that marry soft wool fibers and wispy silks; bright picnic blankets and plush bath mats; lacy curtains made with impossibly sheer cobweb felt. Every project is striking in its fabulous depth of color and purity of form. There are no stitches, no seams, and no signs of woven cloth just a wonderful, flowing piece of textile art. The basic steps of feltmaking are simple enough to learn in an afternoon, but the infinite possibilities in every new pile of fiber keep enthusiasts fascinated for a lifetime. The process always begins the same way, but the fibers make the felting journey unique every time. This book is the ultimate guide to that magical adventure.
ISBN: 9781580176736
Paperback:311 pages, 10.0 X 8.3 X 0.8 in
Publisher: Storey Books , November 2007