Ashford Texsolv Heddles
Boat Shuttle (Ashford)
Ashford Weaving Starter Kit
Ashford Handcards & Flicker
A Weaver’s Guide to Hemstitching
Schacht Rigid Heddle Reed
Stick Shuttle (Schacht)
Cardboard Spools (10/pkg) Schacht
Schacht Flip the Folding Rigid Heddle Loom
Ashford Knitters Loom Carry Bag
Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom Complete Weaving Kit
Stick Shuttle (Ashford) Stick Shuttle Ashford
$7.50 - $9.50
Ashford Wood Weaving Needles
Ashford Boat Shuttle Nylon Bobbins
Ashford Heddle Hook - stainless steel with nylon handle
Ashford Finishing Wax Polish (70g)
Ashford Inklette Loom (Includes shuttle) - warp 72 inch
Ashford Fringe Twister 4 Clip Lacquered
Ashford Weaving Frame
$46.50 - $57.00