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125 W. 1st Street Port Angeles, WA 98362
Hours: Tues-Fri: 11 am -5:00 pm Sat 10-4 |
Closed Feb 2-10 Winter break

Angora Rabbit Fiber Javva Junkkies

Angora Rabbit Fiber Javva Junkkies

1 oz package Various Colors

About Javva Junkkie

English Angoras are our primary fiber producers here at our rabbit farm, Tough Fluff Rabbitry. They are extremely unique and easy to identify as they are the only angora with fully furred faces and ears, called facial furnishings. When in full coat, they tend to look like a big poof ball with a nose!  I’ll be the first to admit that we often refer to our buns as Tribbles! Their fiber is amazing for spinning as it has more crimp than either French or Satin Angora wool, and they also produce more due to their coats being more dense. The English can produce up to a pound of fiber per year. They have wonderful personalities, and are very easy to handle. This is very fortunate because of all the angora rabbits they require the most coat care to maintain their wool. 

We are a family of three fiber enthusiasts nestled in the foothills of the North Cascade Mountain Range in Washington State. I’ve personally been a knitter and crocheter for about 25 years now, and have been spinning for about 10 years. I love all things floof, and enjoy working with a wide variety of fiber types. We are currently home to 24 rabbits, 5 chickens, 3 cats (soon to be more), 1 dog, some fish, and us three humans. To say that life gets a bit crazy here would be a bit of an understatement! 

Raising fiber animals has been a dream of mine for a long time, and we are finally in a position to do so. I currently raise English Angora and Satin Angora rabbits. The name of our farm is Tough Fluff Rabbitry. We also breed Dutch and Rex Rabbits. Read more about them on the Critters page!

My goal is to share my joy of the ever evolving fiber world in a multitude of ways. Obviously there is the fiber itself, but there is so much more to spinning and fiber than just the floof. For both the beginning spinner and the most experienced spinners and everyone in between, I aim to be a source of information, options, suggestions, and hope to create a space for creativity, socializing, showing off your projects and more.

Sarah Alexander

Fluff & Stuff
